Thursday, January 7, 2010

Revised schedule of companies and changes in the eligibility criteria for TCS...

There are few changes in the schedule of Companies visiting the campus for recruitment.

1. TCS - 12th and 13th of January.
2. Quest - It was told that they will be coming on 26th but it might be advanced to 22nd of January. Confirm information will be passed on later as we receive it.
3.IBM Global - 18TH JAN - Cutoff 60% . No information about backlogs as of now.

Eligibility criteria for TCS was previously told as 'No current backlogs but history backs allowed' . The criteria is changed now and is given as 'Only 2 backlogs allowed in BE'. They may either be history backs or current backs but all together not more than 2 backlogs are allowed. Even those subjects will be CONSIDERED AS BACKLOGS for which you had taken up the Exam this time n waiting for the results.

For further info , call me up....